Welcome to Korea – US Cooperative Conference for Life Science (KUCCLS) 2016 



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Collaboration and Innovation in Bio, Medical, & Pharmaceuticals

The main goals of KUCCLS 2016 are to:

  1.   Promote the partnership between Korea and US companies in Life Science industry
  2.   Explore life science growth opportunities in Korea and the US
  3.   Learn innovative forefront technology and trends in Life Science

The conference focuses on collaborative innovation and networking to achieve empowered cooperation between Korean and US life science professionals and industries.

The two-day conference will attract over 250 biotechnology and life science leaders in Korea & US, who join together for networking and partnering meetings to discover new opportunities and promising partnerships in the area of R&D, commercial business of Bio, Medical, and Pharmaceuticals.

Venue: Bioscience Education Center, Pinkney Innovation Complex for Science and Technology at Montgomery College

20200 Observation Drive, Germantown, MD 20876

Date:    September 30 (1 PM ~ 9 PM) – October 1, 2016 (8 AM ~ 8 PM) 

Main program includes:

  • Meet Korea and US Life Science industry delegates and experts for potential collaboration and business expansion
  • Learn and share innovative drug development knowledge from discovery through regulation and commercialization
  • Explore potential funding opportunities via partnership with Korean Biotech and Pharmaceutical companies
  • Deep-dive benefits and strategies for the growth of life science industry in Korea and US
  • Connect with experts in life science career tracks


The conference is organized by DC chapter of Korean – American Society in Biotech and Pharmaceuticals (KASBP-DC) which is a non-profit organization promoting life science and health industry in Mid-Atlantic region.

Contact us for more information  at [email protected]



한미 생명과학기업 협력 컨퍼런스 2016

Korea – US Cooperative Conference for Life Science 

한미 생명과학기업 협력컨퍼런스를 9월 30일 그리고 10월 1일 양일 간에 걸쳐 메릴랜드에서 개최합니다.  본 행사는 한국 생명과학 관련 기업들이 미국시장 진출에 관해 전반의 사항을 집중적으로 문의를 할 수 있는 포럼 참석과 미국관련기업과의 일대일 미팅을 수행함으로써 미래 지향성 성과 창출 극대화를 목적으로 하고 있습니다. 한국 생명과학기업의 바이오, 의약, 제약분야를 중점으로 아래의 이벤트가 준비되고 있습니다.

  • 미국 매릴랜드주의 바이오관련산업 혜택
    1. 주정부에서 제공하는 혜택발표
  • 미국관심기업 일대일 미팅
    1. 분야별 기업들 일대일 프라이빗 미팅
    2. 네트워킹 및 협력프로젝트 창출가능
  • 미국시장에 생명과학산업의 중요한 토픽포럼
    1. 특허, FDA 관련 법규, 마케팅과 상용화
    2. 각 분야의 미국전문인들이 초청되어 발표
  • 미국진출 한국기업의 성장포럼 (사례 발표)
  • 우수인재채용 기회
    1. 미국립보건원과 존스홉킨스외 메릴랜드와 버지니아지역의 많은 석박사급 인재 인터뷰기회
    2. 미국 및 한국의 다양한 기업 책임자들과의 네트워킹 및 인터뷰 기회

2016년 한미생명과학기업 협력컨퍼런스는 2015년에 이은 두번째 행사로 차별화되고 집중된 1박2일의 컨퍼런스로 참석하는 모든 기업과 전문인들이 한국생명과학산업의 세계화하는 전략과 미국기업과의 미래공동협력 과제들을 다루는 행사입니다.  재미한인제약인협회 워싱턴 지부(KASBP-DC)에서 주관하는 이 컨퍼런스는 한국과 미국의 생명과학산업의 거리를 줄이고 한국기업들의 미국시장진출을 돕기위한 행사이니 많은 관심과 참석을 바랍니다.

문의 사항은 [email protected] 를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.


*Location : HT – High Technology Science Center (Globe Hall), BE – Bioscience Education Center


Day 1 (Firday, Sep. 30)
Session Time Location Speaker Title
13:00 Registration HT
14:00 Session I (funding/investment) HT
speaker I-A 30 min John Kim, NIH SBIR program in NIH
speaker I-B 30 min Henry Ahn, NSF NSF SBIR/STTR Program
speaker I-C 30 min Arti Santhanam, TEDCO Life Science Investment fund
Panel Discussion 30 min
16:00 Registration HT
17:00 Opening remarks HT
KASBP-DC President 10 min Sang Tae Park
Chungbuk Province 10 min Mun Sil Seol, Vice Governor
Embassy of Korea 10 min Hohyun Jang, Minister for Economic Affairs
State of Maryland 10 min Ben Wu, Deputy Secretary
Break HT
18:00 Keynote presentation I 35 min / 5 min QA HT Dr. Kazempour, CEO, Amarex Clinical Research Collaborative Product Development – Regulatory Strategy Through Marketing Approval
18:40 Dinner BE
20:00 Host presentation BE
KHIDI 15 min Jung-Hoon Woo, Director General
Chungbuk 15 min Jeong-Soon Lee, Assistant Director
KIAT 15 min Hong-Ryel Choi, Chief Representative
20:45 Networking BE
Day 2 (Saturday, Oct. 1)
Session Time Location Speaker Title
7:50 Breakfast BE
8:50 Session II BE
1 hr Sunghwa Choe, Tae Woong Kang, Manbok Kim, Byung Chul Kim, Youn Joong Ho, Jong Bhak, Dong Seok Kim, Hoonje Cho Innovative drug development knowledge from Korean Biotechs
9:50 Coffee break BE
10:00 Session III (Legal) BE
speaker III – A 30 min Dylan Kennedy, Brand Institute Development and Approval of Global Pharmaceutical Names
speaker III – B 30 min Scott W. Cummings, Dentons US Current and Emerging Issues Relating to Patents
speaker III – C 30 min Judith Kim & Peter Finn, Rubin and Rudman How to Start a Company and Protect your IP
spkeaer III – D 30 min Sunhee Lee, Sughrue Assessing Value of Patent Rights – focusing on Damages and Claim Scope
panel discussion 15 min
12:15 Lunch BE
13:00 Keynote presentation II 35 min / 5 min QA BE Yun-Taek Jung, President, Pharmaceutical Strategy Institute Current Korea Pharmaceutical Industry and its Future Collaboration with the US
13:40 Session IV (regulatory)
speaker IV – A 30 min Mandy Kwong, CDER/FDA How an ANDA Gets Reviewed
speaker IV – B 30 min Lisa Beth Ferstenberg, NeoImmunetech Regulatory Strategies for Clinical Development
speaker IV – C 30 min Hemmie Chang, Foley Hoag LLP Top U.S. Licensing & Regulatory Issues
panel discussion 15 min
15:25 Coffee break BE
15:40 Session V BE
speaker V – A 30 min Yong Chan Kim, Uniformed Services Univ. of the Health Sciences New Era of Immunotherapy: Shutting Down Autoimmunity with Regulatory T cells
speaker V – B 30 min Jong Yun Park, Moffitt Cancer Center/USF Can we predict recurrence of prostate cancer?
speaker V – C 30 min Yong Woo Lee, Virginia Tech Oxidative stress and human disease
17:10 Closing remarks and dinner/networking BE

Coffee will be served : 4 PM ~ 6 PM (Friday) and 7:50 AM – Lunch, 3PM – 5 PM (Saturday)

Contact us for more information at [email protected]


Organized by


hosted by









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보건복지부_영_좌우Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the USA






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